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Welcome to this CDI course!

For this course to qualify for a CDI certificate, then the Journal, handouts, video and post-assessment components are “required”, as indicated below. Other components are optional. Links to the components are on the left side of the screen.

Step 1. Pre-Assessment (Optional) -- Before viewing the video, you might do this brief pre-assessment of your learning so you can measure your new learning after the course.

Step 2. Learning Journal (Required) -- Before viewing the video, please acquaint yourself with the contents of the Learning Journal. It will greatly enrich your learning before, during and after the course. Inside that component, you can double-click on the link to the Journal and it will open into your word processor. Then you can save it to your computer.

Step 3. Handouts for the Video (Required) -- Before you see the video, please print out or download a copy of each of the handouts for the video to have them handy during the video. Inside that component, use the download or print icons in the upper right-hand corner. You do not need to study the handouts before the video -- the speaker will reference various handouts at certain points during the video.

Step 4: Video (Required) -- When viewing the video, have your Learning Journal accessible as a print out or in your word processor. For this course to qualify for a CDI certificate, you must answer at least one of the “Pause for Reflection” slide(s) in the video. Document your responses in your Learning Journal.

Step 5. Sources for Additional Learning (Optional) -- Each course also includes Sources for Additional Learning, including interactive exercise(s), useful article(s) to read and discuss, large collections of free and online articles, suggested books, and other collections of resources for developing consultants.

Step 6. Post-Assessment (Required) -- For this course to qualify for a CDI certificate, you must complete the post-assessment of your learning and answer at least 80% of the questions correctly.

Step 7. Course Evaluation (Optional) -- Please complete the course evaluation. Thank you!

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If you have any questions or suggestions, send email to

Thank you!

Last modified: Wednesday, 10 August 2016, 12:21 PM