The mission of CDI is to use its virtual courses and Certificate-Series to:

Provide highly affordable and accessible consultant training and development to all kinds of consultants in all types of organizations

Provide guidelines for consultants to work in an authentic and highly collaborative manner with their clients

Provide the nuts-and-bolts, comprehensive knowledge and resources needed for a firm foundation in any approach to consulting

Provide a vast range of practical resources that can be applied right away in any type of consulting

Provide practitioners, who focus primarily on one skill set, the confidence and capabilities to apply a range of skill sets when working with diverse people and organizations

Provide ongoing guidance and support to apply new learning from CDI’s courses and Certificate-Series
Got a question? Want to talk to us?
Contact CDI at info@ConsultantsDevelopmentInstitute.org or its sponsoring organization, Authenticity Consulting, LLC, at (763) 971-8890.