Our faculty members and senior associates include widely experienced practitioners with extensive expertise in consulting and in on-line training consultants to work in for-profits, nonprofits and government. It is extremely rare to find that kind of powerful combination in one educational organization.

Andy Horsnell
Andy is co-founder of Common Good Solutions, and has over the last 20+ years, Andy has led dozens of strategic and business planning projects with a range of private and nonprofit organizations throughout Canada and the USA. In that time, he has become a highly skilled facilitator and management consultant, with highly-developed adult learning and group process skills. He can move seamlessly from a high-level strategic plan into business and work plans that translate vision, mission and strategic goals into concrete, accountable action steps. He has deep commitment to sustainability, having studied it at the graduate level and practiced it in his professional work. Andy has a Bachelor of Business Administration, Accounting Diploma, Certificate in Adult Training, and is completing a Masters of Environmental Studies. He also is certified in Action Learning and has extensive training and workshops in coaching, program planning and evaluation, economic development and enterprise education. (Topics: Nonprofit and for-profit consulting and strategic planning.)

Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD
Carter is co-founder of Authenticity Consulting, and is a nationally recognized organizational development consultant with decades of experience in internal and external consulting. He has extensive experience in organizational development, Action Learning, Boards of Directors and strategic planning, and has taught and written books in each of these practices. Carter holds a BA in Social and Behavioral Sciences, BS in Computer Science, MBA from the University of St. Thomas (Minneapolis), and a PhD in Human and Organization Development from The Union Institute (Cincinnati). He is author of the award-winning Field Guide to Consulting and Organizational Development that is used by organizations around the world to teach organizational development and consulting skills in for-profits, nonprofits and businesses. He is known for his highly practical and interactive style that cultivates the inner wisdom and confidence of his learners. (Topics: Organizational development, consulting, Boards of Directors and strategic planning.)

Carol Lukas
Carol has over 30 years of consulting and training experience with nonprofits, government, foundations, businesses and networks. Clients have included international organizations and networks, national foundations, associations and local organizations. She has been executive director of nonprofit organizations, trustee of a community foundation, consultant within a Fortune 500 company and a small-business owner. Carol has managed or assisted many organizational transitions in strategy, scale and leadership over her career, including expansion from local to national, mergers, start-ups and shut-downs, new product development, and earned-income business. She also has deep expertise in capacity building design and implementation, and in facilitating networks, collaboratives, partnerships and mergers. She was formerly President of Fieldstone Alliance and Director of National Services for Amherst H. Wilder Foundation. She is author of Consulting With Nonprofits – A Practitioner’s Guide. (Topics: Nonprofit consulting, Boards and strategic planning.)

Chuck Appleby
Chuck is founder of Appleby & Associates, and is a leadership and organization development consultant with over 30 years of management, consulting, and coaching experience in government, industry and non-profits. He is the founder of the Great Enterprises Consortium, an alliance of independent consultants who are dedicated to creating great workplaces. Chuck provides clients with assistance in strategy development, organizational assessment, work system design, leadership development, coaching, and change management. He has served as an examiner for the President’s Quality Award and the Virginia Quality Award known as the U. S. Senate Productivity and Quality Award. He is an Adjunct Faculty member in Human and Organization Learning Program at The George Washington University. Chuck holds a BA in Economics and History (Magna cum laude) from Dartmouth College, an MA in International Relations from The Johns Hopkins University, and a PhD in International Relations (Awarded with Distinction) from The Johns Hopkins University. (Topics: Nonprofit and for-profit consulting and strategic planning.)

Julie Garland McLellan
Julie is an experienced professional company director and expert in strategic governance. Her book “All Above Board; Great Governance for the Government Sector” was published in Australia by the Australian Institute of Company Directors and is now in its second edition. Her newsletter ‘The Director’s Dilemma’ is read in 38 different countries and has led to publication of two more books of real life case studies involving directors and boards. Julie is one of Australia’s leading experts on corporate governance. Her consulting, training and writing help boards to become more effective. Julie worked with BHP, KPMG, and Wimpey Construction before becoming Australian Managing Director of listed multinational company Gamesa. She has an MBA, a graduate diploma in finance and investment, a degree in Engineering and is a graduate of the Company Directors Course and Advanced Course. She has held director and chairman positions with listed and unlisted companies including several not-for-profit organisations. Her teaching style is inclusive, interactive and insightful. (Topics: For-profit and nonprofit Boards.)

Michael Allison, MBA
Michael is founder of Michael Allison Consulting, and has served as Director of Consulting and Research at CompassPoint Nonprofit Services for 15 years. He managed a full service management consulting practice with individual nonprofits, as well as foundation- and government-sponsored capacity building initiatives. He managed a team of 12 staff consultants and upwards of 30 affiliate consultants serving over 300 organizations each year. The consulting practice grew from less than $100,000 in revenue in 1990 to $3.0 million in revenue by 2003. He consults in areas of strategic and business planning, governance, and organizational development. He designed and led 14 capacity building initiatives, sponsored by both foundation and government funders. He has also been a member of the Haas Jr. Flexible Leadership Awards Program consulting team since 2006. He holds an MBA from the Yale School of Management, and is the co-author of Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations. (Topics: Nonprofit strategic planning and Boards.)
Got a question? Want to talk to us?
Contact CDI at info@ConsultantsDevelopmentInstitute.org or its sponsoring organization, Authenticity Consulting, LLC, at (763) 971-8890.