This Series is no longer available for free.
How to Enroll in CDI’s Pro Bono, Online Series “Principles in Organizational Consulting”
A User-Friendly Series to Build Your Acumen in Business and Successful Change
Please carefully follow this step-by-step procedure to enroll in the Series. You need only do the following procedure once. It takes about three minutes. For ease of reference during enrollment, keep this tab open in your browser.
NOTE: If you have questions with this procedure, please email us — please do not post your questions elsewhere, for example, not in a LinkedIn group.
- If you have not yet read the full description of the Series:
- Go to the home page to read the full description.
- Then click on the “Enroll (for free)” button on that page to come back to this procedure.
- If you have not yet created your private account in CDI’s Learning Management System (LMS):
- Go the login page and follow the directions in “Create new account”. Your information will not be used commercially or shared with anyone.
- (The directions include getting an automated confirmation email from in your inbox.)
- In your account, enroll for free in the Series:
- Go to Certificate-Series: Principles in Organizational Consulting.
- Near the bottom of that page in the enrollment box, enter this pro bono enrollment key:
(Reminder: you must be logged in to use that enrollment key)
After entering the enrollment key, you will be re-directed to the Series’ home page in the LMS. Read the brief information on that page to start the courses.
Organize or Join a Peer Learning Group?
Research shows that you can significantly improve the quality of your experience in an online, self-directed program if you are a member of a cohort of fellow members going through the program together. Members share support, help and accountabilities while going through the program. If you are interested in organizing or joining a peer learning group, see this application.
Earn a “Certificate in Principles in Organizational Consulting”?
In the pro bono version, you access every component and resource in the Series. However, you can choose to earn a Certificate of completion for the Series. Requirements to earn the Certificate include:
- In each of the four courses, you must:
- Answer at least 80% of the questions correctly in the post-assessment quiz.
- Submit your Learning Journal to CDI faculty. Directions are in the Journal.
- Pay the fee of $190 for faculty to verify your grades on the quizzes, review each of your Learning Journals and share feedback with you.
It takes approximately six hours to complete these requirements. If you choose to earn a Certificate, you can pay here.
If you have any questions, feel free to email us.