Consulting Phase 3: Action Planning

Course Details
60 to 90 minutes
$35 (US funds)
About the Course
Develop relevant, realistic and flexible action plans to implement each recommendation from the Discovery Phase. Include practical strategies to evaluate status, adapt plans as needed and communicate status to all necessary stakeholders. Develop contingency plans to quickly respond to any unanticipated changes in plans. Ensure continued reflection and learning for all stakeholders.
This course can be completed as a stand-alone or as part of the Certificate-Series Collaborative Consulting Training.
Learning Outcomes
- Recognize when a vision for change is needed, in the present or planned for the longer-term
- Determine the key requirements for targeted and impactful action plans
- Learn how to design comprehensive action plans
- Work with your client to develop action plans targeted to their needs
- Apply a reality check on plans to ensure they will help, rather than hinder your client’s operations
- Systematically change your action plans when needed
- Align and integrate action plans for to achieve results sooner
Tools & Resources
- Training Video
- Pre and Post Assessments
- Learning Journal
- Sources for Additional Learning (recommended interactive exercise(s), book(s), discussion group and questions for reflection about the topic)
Downloadable Resources
- How to Develop Relevant and Realistic Action Plans
- Powerful Strategies to Grow an Organization
- Examples of Systematic Plans in Business
- Examples of Systematic Plans in Nonprofits
- Aligning Systems Within Organizations
How it Works: To Enroll & Get Started

Enrollment Instructions
Create your account. Go to CDI’s learning site. Read the brief “Welcome” section and click on “Create new account”.
Select a course or series. Click on CDI’s Catalog of Courses and Certificate-Series, and select the desired course or series.
Enroll. Click on “Enroll me” in the course or series. Use Paypal for major credit cards, or enter an enrollment key if you have one.

Log-in & Learning Instructions
Log in. If you are not already logged in, then log into CDI’s learning site, using your username and password.
Start your course. Click on your course in the upper right. (For a series, follow the specified order of courses.) In the course, follow “Start Here”.
Proceed at your own pace. Interact with others in the discussion group. For support, see CDI Help Center. Email us if you finished a Certificate.
Got a question? Want to talk to us?
Contact CDI at or its sponsoring organization, Authenticity Consulting, LLC, at (763) 971-8890.